Category Archives: News

Thank you Bucharest Summit!!!


What was a fun and productive trip ended on a wonderful and unexpected note when I was presented with an honorary award at the Bucharest Summit Awards! The show was coming to an end and I was about ready to enjoy the closing part of the Summit when Ruxandra (Bucharest Summit CEO) came on stage to close the show. When she started to say some nice things about someone who was going to get an honorary award, I was listening but didn’t think it was going to be about me, and then she said my name and I was in complete shock and disbelief. But at the same time, I got quite emotional at this unexpected but wonderful surprise!

Once I was on stage I didn’t know what to say as I was not prepared for something like this (Click HERE to see the video reaction), so I know I didn’t give the proper thanks I should have. But now I can put it into better words:

I first want to thank Ruxandra, Mugur and the whole wonderful Bucharest Summit team for bestowing this great honor on me. I’ve always loved your event and did all I could to contribute to it, no matter how small or big a part that may have been over the years. I appreciate the Bucharest Summit so much because it’s not only one of the last industry events focusing on camming, which we do need, but for the great hard work done by  their amazing team as well as being well organized and executed. And it’s such a great opportunity to grow and learn and meet so many other wonderful models, performers, and content creators from all across the globe, as well as other parts of the industry like platforms, peripheral and support services.


This award means so much to me because I feel this is a small affirmation of the efforts I’ve made not just with Bucharest Summit, but over my career too. I always try to do what I can to help and support our industry and the wonderful people in it. So getting this special recognition from people I greatly respect means so much to me!

I could say more, as I’m known for talking too much and too long, so I will just try and make this simple by giving a big thank you again, and I hope you know how much I appreciate this very special recognition and how much this means to me and the joy and happiness it brought me that night!

Thank you again to everyone at Bucharest Summit, and everyone who has supported me over the years!

Love you all!!!

Xx, O

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Hopping Off to Bucharest Summit!



Another trip to Romania for a return to The Bucharest Summit and Awards Show! It’s such a great event and is usually the place I get to have the most interaction with fellow cam performers of all types and from many locations across the globe! This year I will be taking part in some panels and holding my Model Mastery Meeting. I’m also nominated in three categories at the Awards: Best Premium Cam Model, North American Cam Model and Best Training Program for my LittleRedBunny Academy. The final voting will be live on June 6 for registered members of the event.

I’m also really looking forward to seeing all my friends and the wonderful industry people and models there!

So while I’m on my trip, I’m leaving you with a short video (for me anyway) of my adventures at Bucharest Summit in 2022. It was a busy and fun time and I hope these memories gives you a little taste of my experiences when I’m there. Hope you enjoy it and it gives you nice thoughts of me while I’m away.

Anyway, I will miss you all while I’m gone. Be good without me so we can be bad when I get home.

xx, O

A Bunny Story & Unboxing Video


If you haven’t watched my ‘A Bunny Story and Unboxing Video,’ please watch it first before you continue reading this post if you want to share in my surprise and reaction.


I made this video to share with all my fans and friends, and for Live Jasmin. An amazing thing happened the other day when I received a package I didn’t really know I was getting, or expected.

Once I went through the long effort to open the box and saw what was inside, I got extremely emotional and needed some time to sit and digest all the feelings I had in that moment. Hours later I was still choked up and teary-eyed telling people I got something very special that day.

Hopefully if you got this far, you’ve already watched the video and know what was in the box. It was one of five paintings of my image taken from a photo shoot with Philip Reardon (who I consider an amazing photographer) at AVN 2015 for 7 Deadly (sadly the article and link to it are not there anymore). The paintings were made for the “Meeting Jasmin“art project which were images of Jasmin models reinterpreted by an artist.

The paintings were made in 2016 and I always hoped I could see it, or eventually get a copy. Thankfully, Live Jasmin decided to send me one, maybe because I recently just hit my 15th year as a cam artist on their site. Whatever the reason it means so much to me for many reasons.

This painting represents 15 years of my life, and shows the tiny hint of significance of my impact and legacy in this industry. And I LOVE how the artist, Hugo Valentine, really nailed my style and ambiance of my room with his choice of colors and brush strokes. The painting title is “Red Bunny Has Her Own Kingdom” and the aluminum and glass frame is very heavy, solid and strong and will probably last longer than I will. Hehehe. And while I may not always be relevant, this beautiful work of art connects deeply and directly with a strong and flourishing period of not just my career, but my whole life too. That’s probably why I got so emotional about it.

And now as things are drastically changing in the industry, it makes me appreciate even more  all the things I experienced throughout all these years, knowing I’m lucky, as probably a very limited amount of people got to experience it the way I did. And I’m so thankful to Live Jasmin always trying to think outside the box and do such a great job with their marketing. I am so honored to have been a part  of their “Meeting Jasmin” art project (you can click on the link to see the painting and even buy one if you wish!). And now I have a tangible memory of all our years together.

It’s kind of odd and surreal to see and touch a piece of art, especially one with my image on it, and feel such a load of emotion along with it. Of course I have my own personal connection with it and everything the painting represents behind the scenes as well. I am so grateful I can hold in my hands something that to me summarizes 15 years of my life. And while Live Jasmin took an artistic road with this project, their objective wasn’t to do that, even more so that back in 2016 when I wasn’t yet 15 years in the industry. But the artistic road made something which will last far longer.

I know I can talk a lot, and I’m saying a lot of words right now, but paradoxically I feel out of words. I truly can’t express the feelings I have right now…

So let me close by giving another BIG THANK YOU to the whole Live Jasmin staff for this absolutely priceless gift! I’m speechless and overwhelmed by emotions!

Love you all!

xx, O



15th Bunnyversary Recap Video!


It was recently my 15th Bunnyversary and I celebrated it in my usual way, with a wine pop, candle blow, fun, music and my typical silly mischief! So I am posting a quickie video recap of all the controlled chaos! If you were at the celebration you can review some of the funner and sillier moments. If you couldn’t make it, you can get a good taste of how the night went (and most of my nights go).

I want to thank everyone who has been a part of these last 15 years. Whether you’ve been with me since the start, visit once and a while, or are new to my room, all of you wonderful people are the reason I’ve been doing this for so long. You all make the days, weeks, months and years fly by, and your sharing of experiences, knowledge, jokes, music and so much more has greatly enriched my life and made me a better person for it. So I thank each and every one of you for all you’ve done and the support you have given me over the years!

I love you all, and here’s to continuing this wonderful journey together!

xx, O

15th Bunnyversary Celebration is almost here!

Another year has passed, and I am soon approaching my 15th Bunnyversary of when I first started camming online! I can’t believe how quickly time went by and it’s been this long already!

Because of plans I already made, I will be celebrating a few days earlier this year. The party will be April 5th instead of on the usual 7th. So I hope you will cum by to join in the festivities. Not only will it be a celebration of my 15 years camming, but I also want to celebrate you all, as you’ve been so wonderful and supportive of me, and your company, conversations and fun times together has made these years go by like a blink! I would never have made it this long if it weren’t for all of you!

So I hope to see you all this Friday, April 5 and share stories, songs, laughs, sips and great times. And who knows, maybe I’ll see if I can make it to a 30th Bunnyversary! Lol!

Xx, O

Bucharest Summit Awards Nominations Now Open!

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Another new year, another new round of nominations for the Bucharest Summit Awards! I really love the Bucharest Summit because it is one of the last few events which puts a lot of focus on the camming side of business. I always have a good time there and have such wonderful interactions with fellow performers, both independent and from studios.

So with nominations now open, you can put my name in (and my academy) HERE (or by clicking the picture above or the Nomination banner to the right) for the following categories:

-          Best Premium Cam Model

-          Independent Female Model

-          North American Cam Model

-          Female Model of the Year

-          Best Experienced Cam Model (+5 years)-Independent

LittleRedBunny Academy

-          Best Training Program

As always, I appreciate all your support over the years, and I never forget I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for all of you!

Hugs & Kisses,

Xx, O


Today, March 11th, is the 65th Birthday of Adult Industry Legend Nina Hartley! It is also the 40th anniversary of her debut film Educating Nina (1984). So I wanted to do a little something special for her, as over the years when I have been lucky enough to run into her, she has always made time for me, been a very sweet, kind and caring person, and I’m happy to call her a friend. And even though we don’t get to meet in person much anymore, I’ve had the privilege to keep in touch with her personally, which means a lot to me. She really is a truly kind and respectful person and I appreciate her very much.

So here is a quick video of some of our interactions over the years as my way of saying Happy Birthday and thank you for being the wonderful person you are! You show a great dedication to actively contributing to supporting women in our industry and we are so lucky to have you! It is such a privilege and honor to get to know you, and I wish you the best always and there are many reasons you are a legend! So best wishes, and hope you celebrate many more very happy birthdays!

xx, O


Portugal 2018 Recap 1 – Exploring Cascais

I’ll soon be off to Portugal for The European Summit and the 10th Anniversary edition of the Live Cam Awards Gala, and I have a sort of “lost” series of videos from my first trip to this lovely country. There was a lot of footage from that first trip that really hasn’t been used yet, so here is the first of a few videos from that original trip.

This video is my first day of exploring Cascais, especially down by the shoreline during a windy and wave-filled sunny day. It was an incredible experience and my heart still races watching this again and the awesome power of the wind and waves pounding the shore and break-walls of a marina. It was incredible and while I’ve posted some pictures from that day, I haven’t really shown any videos of it. So I hope you enjoy it!


Make sure to check out the next video when it is released soon, and I should have at least one or two more after I get back from Portugal.

Also don’t forget to vote me for the Live Cam Awards. You can vote me HERE or click the banner to the right or go to the post below this one!

Thanks again for all your support and enjoy the video!


Live Cam Awards 10th Anniversary Video Recap!

Back in 2015 I did something I had never done before in my life: I traveled overseas to Europe. And the reason I did that was because I was invited to the Live Cam Awards in Sitges, Spain. The award gala was the brainchild of the wonderful, lovely and hard-working Alexandra. And I couldn’t say no! Traveling to that event changed my life, both personally and professionally.

And now the 10th Anniversary edition of her gala is coming up in February, as the event is being held in Cascais, Portugal, and I wanted to put together a recap of all my trips to the Live Cam Awards, and how much Alex and her show has meant to me.


Going through these clips brings back so many memories, thoughts and emotions.  I’m so happy, trilled and excited to be going back to Portugal again for the first time since before COVID, and can’t wait to take part in this wonderful anniversary celebration.

So I hope you enjoy this recap and celebration honoring Alex and her event, and the wonderful times and precious moments it has created for me, and so many others in the industry!

Thank you again Alexandra, I’m happy and honored to be your friend and to have been a small part of your dreams and vision for the Live Cam Awards!

And please don’t forget to VOTE ME for the Live Cam Awards by clicking the banner to the right or HERE!

LCA 2024 FINAL vote Poster 1

xx, O

Bunny Shop Open Again & Birthday week coming soon!

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I’m happy to give two fun announcements! First of all, my Little Bunny Shop is back open! So if you didn’t get some of my branded merch like Playing Cards, Whisky Glasses and some very sexy Photos, now’s your chance to do a little early Christmas shopping for yourself. And if you want anything signed or a personal message, order it by December 8th so I can add a message or signature to your order. I will also have a new set of hand-made beer/coffee ceramic mugs with a new style and glaze color. You can pre-order the very limited-edition mug now and they should be fresh out of the kiln in time for the Holidays!

And I want to give a special thanks to my friend Erich, who is sponsoring my Bunny Shop again! It is so kind and sweet of him to help me out with that. It is very much appreciated!

And as some of you may know, my Bunny Birthday is fast approaching. I will be taking a little time off right before it, so if you don’t see me online, don’t worry, I will be back to celebrate my birthday week starting on December 8th with my usual champagne and cake celebration on December 9th. So I hope to see you hopping to my bedroom to join in the fun and flirty night!

I also want to thank you all again for your continued support, friendship and fond memories. You all make my nights so much fun and I’ve be so honored to get to know so many of you on a personal level and have so many wonderful conversations. It means so much to me! You are all appreciated!20231130-233907-2136417

And if you miss me while I’m away, you can always stay close to me on my Content Site, just CLICK HERE to see the naughtier side of this little bunny.

Also check out the post below about the upcoming Live Cam Awards voting, open now!

Xx, O