Monthly Archives: December 2014

A Time To Say “Thank You”

The holidays are a time when we look back on the past year and give a littlered thanks at all that has happened.

And WOW what a year its been for me. (hugs and kisses to all of you) Without such an amazing group of special friends and fans, I would still be an unknown camgirl dancing in my room all alone.

YOU helped me make the scary hop out into the big world beyond my room you see me in every night.

Now there is one special man out there, dear to my littlered heart, I want to send a special thank you to. Who has done so much to help women like me be a success. Without him I’d probably be waiting tables for poor tips. Not about to fly off to Las Vegas and next March Barcelona.

So it wouldn’t be a perfect Christmas if I didn’t thank the CEO of Jasmin, my webcam site, the amazing Laszlo Czero.

I thank you all all the time cause you are the closest to me and without you I would only be myself in front a computer, and nobody to party with and enjoy myself. We can’t forget that the great time we have, it is on Jasmin that it happens.


It was just a few short years that I first saw the ad for Jasmin, that I decided to take the plunge and become a camgirl. What a crazy and wild ride it has been too.


Think back now and having had the time to look at all the other webcam services on the internet, I think I was lucky to hook up with the best one out there. I expect every lady (and some men too) who works on Jasmin each night think the same. We are a family and it is because of Laszlo. Laszlo and the great team of people he has with him.


While we have disagreed at times, Laszlo (lol), I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be working with. You’ve handled my special temper and littlered outbursts with tact and understanding. Its been a very great partnership and you have supported me so well this last year.

You can read an interview with him at the LiveCam Awards website HERE. Jasmin is a sponsor.

And a big huge littlered thank you to the entire Jasmin team, they have been so there for me its been amazing. The sweet people there behind the scenes have been working hard and believing in me, helping and supporting me. It is because of this great team I have things like the AVN voting ball on my room. Hugs and kisses to everyone behind the scene at Jasmin.

Now special great news everyone, I will be at the Jasmin booth during the 2015 AVN show. And not just me but the amazing Jasmin team too, I’m so lucky to have them all behind me. The team from Jasmin is coming with me and I am really looking forward to be able to finally meet many of them for the first time, and working in partnership when we get together at this year’s AVN show. We will be on LiveStream for updates and meetings with all the guests and fans that stop by. Be sure to check it out in January and if you are there, visit us at the Jasmin booth.

I look forward to meeting everyone this year.

xx, O

Peeperz Radio Interview

Check this out everyone, MD over on did a half hour radio interview with me recently.


(Click the picture to hear the interview.)

Sorry, I gave the interview before I upgraded my webcam microphone, so my voice isn’t the best, but he was a great interviewer and let me open up and have some fun. Let me know what you think and feel free to suggest question for our next interview after the AVNs.

The main page info is here: “Down the Rabbit Hole with Little Red Bunny – Peeperz Radio”. Be sure to drop by that page and leave a comment, they did a great write up on me and the radio interview.

More News – NextShark and IndexHR Interviews

Two new online news interviews this week. The first over on


Its a good article except (rolls her eyes), I do not make anywhere near that money. I wish interviewers would learn that.

Ladies, if you are thinking of getting into Cams, do it because you love to interact with people, to make friends and have fun, and NOT because you think you will make loads of money. Part of my time is spent in public for free, visiting with my many long term friends and fans, which I love too. While I do do alot of private sessions the money is good but its not a golden ticket to riches in a short time no matter what they say. You have to learn how to be successful, and that takes alot of hard work. Find your niche and be true to yourself above all.

The second article this week is from the Croatian website Index Black


You might need to hit Goggle Translate, the article is in Croatian.

You know I’m always blown away on how many of my special friends and fans are from all over the World. I’m such a small town girl sometimes but in March I get to live out one dream, that is a big hop for a little red bunny across the pond to Barcelona Spain for the Live Cam Awards. I’m a special red carpet guest and will be up for voting as well on the 15th. I’ll let you know soon with the link where they can vote.

You are the best and greatest.

xx, O


Thank You Everyone

A big thank you to everyone who came to my room for my birthday party this week. I had so much fun all night.

Love all of my special friends and fans. You mean the world to me. Hope you are here for my 27th birthday party too next year.


Here’s A Great Birthday Present

Wow check this out, I’m listed on the 2015 Adult Expo’s website in their gallery of “Expo Stars”!

How is that for a great birthday present?


Ok so I’m not at the top of the page, lol. My webmaster did a little Photoshop editing. You’ll find my picture on the fifth row down which is still amazing.

(Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me…)

Anyway, hope to see everyone tonight for a great party and loads of fun.

This Week’s Wallpaper – A Twofer Just For You

Be honest now, are you a lover of butts or boobies?

Some guys they love to watch me stroke and caress my boobies, while others get a thrill when I’m bent over before them in private and they can give my butt a firm grab.

Which are you? Butt or Boobie.


Can’t decide? Well as a special this week I have not one cell phone wall paper but TWO. You can have both my cute butt and little boobies to view anytime you want. Switch them out each day and enjoy them both all week.

Flip a coin and decide. Heads or Bunny tails. Both are soooo cute, don’t you think.

Go to the “Vote For Me – 2015 AVN Awards” to download this week’s wallpaper and remember VOTE for me each and everyday in December.

xx, O


New Pictures Posted

I know its been a while since I shared more pictures. Sorry, what with the AVN Awards nomination and all I’ve been running around like I had 4 bunny ears and 2 fluffy tails.

I posted pictures in three of the folders tonight; Professional, Webcam and Selfies. Hope you like them.


I’ll try and post more pictures in those folders next week.

In March I will be attending the 2015 Live Cam Awards in Barcelona, Spain. I am the “Red Carpet Special Guest Star” for the convention and should have loads of pictures from my time there to share.

I hope that all my European fans can attend and we can meet face to face.

For now, here’s a few I took to celebrate Football season.


BTW the AVN Awards are coming up in January and if all goes well in the next few weeks, I will be announcing some amazing news about what I will be doing there soon. Hope to see my American fans there so I can again meet you personally. I loved meeting you too. Keep checking the website out for more info.

Keep warm and remember to VOTE for me everyday at the 2015 AVN Awards for your Favorite Camgirl.