Daily Archives: December 12, 2014

More News – NextShark and IndexHR Interviews

Two new online news interviews this week. The first over on NextShark.com


Its a good article except (rolls her eyes), I do not make anywhere near that money. I wish interviewers would learn that.

Ladies, if you are thinking of getting into Cams, do it because you love to interact with people, to make friends and have fun, and NOT because you think you will make loads of money. Part of my time is spent in public for free, visiting with my many long term friends and fans, which I love too. While I do do alot of private sessions the money is good but its not a golden ticket to riches in a short time no matter what they say. You have to learn how to be successful, and that takes alot of hard work. Find your niche and be true to yourself above all.

The second article this week is from the Croatian website Index Black


You might need to hit Goggle Translate, the article is in Croatian.

You know I’m always blown away on how many of my special friends and fans are from all over the World. I’m such a small town girl sometimes but in March I get to live out one dream, that is a big hop for a little red bunny across the pond to Barcelona Spain for the Live Cam Awards. I’m a special red carpet guest and will be up for voting as well on the 15th. I’ll let you know soon with the link where they can vote.

You are the best and greatest.

xx, O