Normally I would have much more naughty thoughts on a couch, but this time I had to behave. A little. Here are just a few pics of the media interviews I did, as well as some of the fans I had the pleasure to meet while on the couch in the Jasmin booth at the AEE in Las Vegas. Even though I had to be on my best behavior and tried to be a good girl, the time I got to spend with everyone there was memorable and I am forever grateful they took the time to come visit me
- Chad Cooper of 88MilesWest was a fun and energetic interview.
- EJ Dickson and I catching up since we met in Miami. I just love that girl!
- Once I started showing my flexibility on the couch, it always drew a crowd ;)
- Mark Shrayber from Jezebel interviews me on the couch in the Jasmin Booth.
- At the ModelCentro booth checking out their banner with my xxx site on it ;)
- After our interview, the guys from Nerd Reactor wanted me to do a little dance with them.
- OHenri was the first of my great fans to visit me at the Jasmin Booth.
- Thursday after the AEE I had a very nice photo shoot with Roger Kisby.
- Can you spot the special guest on the cam model seminar panel?
- Tomas from Jasmin and I were at a great seminar on how to be a top webcam model.
- The first thing I did at the AEE was do a live interview with Nadia Styles and Ash Hollywood on SiriusXM.
- The lovely Una stopped by the Jasmin booth just to say hi to me. What a sweetheart!
- Friday’s interviews started with Vince from FilmDrunk. He was super sweet!