About to get to bed but wanted to make a quick update. Thursday was another long day but things were really starting to “Hop” today.
People to meet like my good friend OHenri, from TheLittleRedRoom on Jasmin. He came to the Expo and stopped by the Booth to visit.
It was so great to finally put faces to the many names of the great people who visit me every night online. I hope to see more of you all Friday and Saturday.
And I was busy with more interviews too.
I’ll post links next week after the Expo to my site so you can read them all.
But I had time for a little exercise…lol.
Remember if you are posting pictures to your social media pages, either attending the Expo or just watching online like Norad99 did, please use the #RedBunnyHops hashtag so I can repost them for everyone to see.
Be sure to check out my Twitter for updates on my schedule for Friday and throughout the Expo.
Follow LittleRedBunny on Twitter
Friday I’ll be a guest speaker at the Industry lecture, “One in a Million: Developing an Irresistible (and Lucrative) Live Cam Personality”, 1-2pm, Studio 1B, moderated by Bob Marley of M Group so I won’t be online at the booth until after 2.
Sorry. See you then.
This is it everyone, the 9th inning, the Final Yard, all those things and more, so please be sure to vote One Last Time for your 2015 Favorite Camgirl of the Year, Me, LittleRedBunny on Friday.
And remember, if I win…
“Pool Party” in My LittleRedRoom on Jamin.
YOU definitely don’t want to miss that…(evil grin)
xx, O
Both me and my brother voted daily, also our friends so is only normal to hope for the best! Thanks Bunny for your friendship and support. You will always have a friend in me, you sexy little angel!
Win or lose we members are so proud of you! No matter what you’re already a winner; much love and respect to you. :*