I hope everyone is doing well as we go into the Fall season. And just like the leaves this time of year, things are changing for the AVN Awards with a new pre-nomination process. If you want to see me nominated for the AVN Award for Favorite Cam Girl for 2020, you have to do a few simple steps.
In order to participate in the pre-nomination process just click HERE to vote for me. (You must first sign up for an AVN Stars account or you can also log in using a Twitter account). Clicking on the picture above will also get you to the right place to vote/register.
Here is what you should see when you go to the link and click SUBMIT:
It’s an extra little step but I hop, I mean hope it’s not too time consuming for you and you make time to help me get the nomination.
As always, I am so so so appreciative of all your help and support through the years. It’s such a pleasure to have you all in my life and it means so much to me for the happiness and kindness you have shown me. I wish I could give you all a great big hug right now!
xx, O